
strategic intelligence

Introducing AI-powered strategic intelligence

We'll show how you can start using AI to 10x your insights in less than half the time.

July 4th, Thursday, 2024
13:00 to 14:00 CET

What can you expect from this webinar?

Foundational Knowledge

Grasp the basics of today's challenges and the possibility of strategic intelligence and AI.

Real-World Impact

See how AI is transforming decision-making with practical demo of the platform Trendtracker.

Real Life Case Studies

Learn about success stories of AI-Driven Strategic Intelligence at play.

Implementation Strategies

Discover best practices for applying AI in strategic planning.

Future Outlook

Understand future trends and prepare for the evolving landscape of AI in strategic intelligence.

Why should you attend?

Stay ahead of the curve: Gain a competitive edge by harnessing the latest advancements in strategic decision-making technology.

Expand your techstack: Get familiar with how Trendtracker is driving advancements in strategic intelligence using AI.

Actionable strategies: Acquire practical knowledge and strategies that you can implement immediately to drive results within your organisation.

Get more done in less time: When strategy & innovation teams want to get more done & make better-informed decision, they come to us.

Who should attend?

Executives and Strategy Leaders from Large Organisations

Discover how to accomplish more with fewer resources and less time. This webinar will be your starting point for optimising efficiency and effectiveness

Strategy Teams

Gain access to a toolset that enhances decision-making by leveraging real trends. Let AI handle the heavy lifting to empower your strategic initiatives.

Foresight and Innovation Professionals

Stay ahead by mapping trends to specific industries and cases. Join us to learn how to achieve greater results in less time.

Business leaders and scale up founders

Explore AI-driven ways to stay relevant and future-proof in a competitive landscape.

Register now

Secure your spot today and embark on a journey towards unlocking the future of strategic decision-making. Register now to reserve your place at this webinar with limited slots.

CEO Trensition Vincent Defour

Hosted by:

Vincent Defour

July 4th, Thursday, 2024
13:00 to 14:00 CET